what is Ganepão

Logo Ganepão 2021

Ganepão is one of the largest nutrition conferences in Latin America. It has the presence of the most renowned health professionals in the segment, and stands out for presenting relevant, multidisciplinary and current scientific content, endorsed by important Institutions and Associations in the health area. Ganepão takes place annually, always in June, in São Paulo. The congress has an online and face-to-face version.

With a renowned tradition, the congress, aimed at doctors, nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, among other professionals in the health area, brings several scientific activities that, in an interactive and innovative way, provide the best nutrients for your career.

In addition to the multidisciplinary congress in June, Ganepão has its pocket version, the Ganepão UPDATE, which takes place throughout the year in an online format, always live and focused on a specific topic in the world of nutrition.